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Fire Prevention and Recovery

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Fire is a natural and recurring component of our California ecosystems. Properly managing the wildlands surrounding our agricultural areas and communities can reduce the frequency of fires and reduce the adverse impacts when they occur. The CRCD can assist with pre-fire preparedness and post-fire recovery and connect you with other community resources. We can connect you with resources for fire-safe landscaping, defensible space, erosion control, restoration, and post-fire flood and mudslide prevention and response.

In 2022 CRCD wrapped up our Regional Priority Plan to Reduce Wildfire Risk and Improve Forest Health in Santa Barbara County (RPP), funded through the California Coastal Conservancy. The RPP prioritizes actionable projects that mitigate fire risk, build community capacity and increase wildfire and climate resilience.  CRCD and our partners are currently working on further developing and impelmenting several of these identified projects.

You can learn more at:


2019 Homeowners Guide to Fire in SB County2019 Guía para Propietarios de Casas sobre los Incendios en el Condado de Santa Bárbara2018 California Native Plant Society Fire Recovery Guide2016 Prevent Soil Erosion on Your Property2016 Post Fire Dos and Don’ts2016 Homeowners Guide for Flood Prevention and Response2009 SAFE Landscapes Ventura County Calendar and Guidebook2009 SAFE Landscapes in Wildland Urban Interface2009 Making Property Firesafe2008 Forestland Steward2008 A Homeowner’s Guide to Fire Safe Landscaping2007 Flash Flood Preparation2004 NRCS Living in the Foothills2003 Straw Bale Barrier2003 Fiber Rolls2002 NRCS Wildfire Risk Reduction